How to Find a Home in a Family-Friendly Neighborhood

You found the perfect house on Trulia or Zillow. You found the perfect financing from your favorite mortgage loans Kansas City expert. You look it up on the realtor website and see that it crosses off all the boxes on your list. But how can you know if it is a good place to raise a family? There are three strategies you can take to increase the chances of landing in your perfect family-friendly community.

Investigate the Location Online

Prior to investigating too much time looking at a house, it is important to see the context where it is located. Going to sites like or town or parent social media sites allows you to gain an understanding about how the neighborhood is represented online.

Going online is especially helpful if you are thinking about moving somewhere far away. However, looking online is not enough to know if it is the right neighborhood for you. The perception given online can be different than the reality. So, if possible try to visit a few different neighborhoods to get the vibe of the community.

Talk to a Few Realtors and the School District

When you start talking to one realtor, it can be easy to think that you only work with that realtor. However, there is nothing wrong with shopping around and speaking to different realtors about neighborhoods. Limit this to one realtor per company and let the realtor know that you are talking to other realtors. They all have different experiences that will contribute to how they perceive that neighborhood. Be aware of any agreements the realtor asks you to sign and make sure the fine print is understood.

Everyone wants their children to go to an excellent school district. However, what is defined as an excellent can be different for everyone. The best way to find out about the school district is to look at the school website, follow any public social media channels they have, and refer to the state portal for school testing data. In the current age of education there is likely to be school choice. Therefore, charter and private schools should be explored, as well as the traditional public school.

Go to the Neighborhood at Different Times

You won’t really know what a neighborhood is like until you visit their independently. Explore the neighborhood on your own. Go to the local library or YMCA and see what sorts of programs there are for children. If there is a local park, make sure you go there to see if it is used by a lot of other families.

While you are the playground, try to ask other parents what it is like to live in that neighborhood. Are there a lot of informal play groups? Are there young parent groups such as Mothers of Preschoolers? An abundance of these groups suggests that the neighborhood has a lot of little kids and is committed to developing a community for parents. Do you see a lot of renters? Home owners could be renting out their living space as Branson cabins.

Moving is a huge investment whether you are buying or renting. You don’t want to get to your new residence and find out that the neighborhood does not fit your families needs. By doing advanced research and making local connections, you can find an ideal neighborhood for your family.